至於是否會因美國行政命令,影響出貨?對此,台積電表示,會持續評估狀況,內部有建立一套公司治理(Compliance Management)機制,按照這個機制評估下,目前出貨狀況沒有改變。
美國高通公司(Qualcomm)旗下子公司高通技術公司於全球行動通訊大會(MWC)上,發表高通Quick Charge無線快速充電技術,為無線充電產業帶來年度創新技術。高通也宣布與偉詮電合作,偉詮電成為第一個加入高通Quick Charge無線充電計畫的零組件廠商。
偉詮電去年搶進有線快充市場,包括推出獲USB-IF認證的Type-C傳輸線內建電子標記(E-Marker)晶片,並推出相容於高通Quick Charge 4/4+及獲得USB-IF的USB-PD 3.0認證通過的快充晶片,此次與高通針對無線快充合作,可望延伸產品線至無線充電市場。
高通Quick Charge無線充電是以快速且穩定的行動充電技術為特點,超過1,000款與Quick Charge技術相容的商用行動裝置、配件及電子元件,皆具備獨特的安全性與智慧功能,設計旨在最小化能源耗損量及終端側產生的熱能,同時最大化電池壽命,進而保護及改善消費者的裝置。
儘管無線充電已成為熱門的充電選擇,此類產品的速度及效率依舊良莠不齊。此外,聲稱支援Quick Charge的無線充電產品推出時,其實並未通過快速充電的規定流程。為因應這些問題,高通擴展其合規計畫,納入由Quick Charge技術支援的無線充電板,擴展包含了新舊系統的相容性,有助於實現高功率及高效的電源轉換,讓傳送器製造商能夠實現真正的快速無線充電。
高通表示,現今數百萬使用者在家中、工作和其他地方使用的Quick Charge 2.0、3.0、4和4+轉接頭,同樣可與採用Quick Charge的無線充電板配合使用。國際安全認證公司UL為第一家實施現行Quick Charge合規計畫的公司,並將納入Quick Charge無線充電技術及擴大測試。同時,偉詮電也成為第一個加入高通Quick Charge無線充電計畫的零組件廠商。
盧志遠說,目前產能利用率依舊滿載,且觀察客戶端狀況,目前NOR Flash及SLC NAND等產品價格沒有出現明顯變動,大多維持在持平狀態,對於下半年獲利將可抱持非常樂觀態度看待。
在新產品量產進度上,盧志遠表示,3D ROM將可望於今年底開始量產出貨,19奈米製程的MLC NAND今年底前也可望開始量產,明年產能將全面開出,NOR Flash今年底也將從當前的75奈米轉進至55奈米製程,屆時NOR及NAND Flash雖然晶圓數不會明顯增加,但產出裸晶(gross die)數量將可望翻倍成長,若有必要會再進行擴充產能計畫。
Following a presentation by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) on progress and results of the Smart Machinery Development Program, Premier Lai Ching-te instructed the MOEA, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor to continue coordinating and guiding the efforts of industry, academia and researchers to produce innovative capabilities.
The ministries were also directed to assist with the development of smart manufacturing and the resolution of any shared issues facing the industries involved. Proactive steps to cultivate interdisciplinary talent and help steer the transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises will be undertaken, as well.
Smart machinery is one of the areas promoted as part of the government’s “five plus two” innovative industries program, as well as an important element of President Tsai Ing-wen’s policies, said the premier. The goal is to upgrade existing capabilities in precision machinery and information and communications technology to allow smart manufacturing, ultimately transforming Taiwan into the world’s research, development and manufacturing center for smart machinery and key components used in high-end equipment.
Premier Lai thanked industry for its dedicated efforts as part of public-private cooperation—with the assistance from the MOEA and local governments—to push the value of machinery production to over NT$1.1 trillion (US$36.1 billion) in 2017, elevating the business to become one of Taiwan’s three “trillion dollar” industries. The premier instructed the MOEA to work with local governments to carry out related work and promote these successes throughout the nation.
The MOEA indicated that the government’s promotion of smart machinery is focused on building a comprehensive ecosystem for related development and guiding targeted industries into smart manufacturing. Following a strategy of connecting with local communities, the future and the world, these efforts are expected to entrench the smart machinery industry, nurture expertise and talent, and carry forward the transformation and upgrade of the industrial landscape. Success will achieve such goals as expanding international cooperation and creating business opportunities.
Taiwan’s smart manufacturing industry in 2017 attracted NT$53.89 billion (US$1.77 billion) in major investments, according to the MOEA, and employed an estimated 308,000 people, for a gain of over 6,360 jobs compared to 2016. Furthermore, Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry data show that thanks to the combined efforts of businesses and government, machinery industry production broke through the trillion-dollar ceiling in 2017 by growing 11.1 percent to about NT$1.1 trillion.
Premier Lai Ching-te on Monday said the Digital Nation and Innovative Economic Development Program (DIGI+) is a vital part of the Executive Yuan’s smart nation policy that also provides fertile soil for the “five plus two” innovative industries, boosts Taiwan’s competitiveness, and enhances the quality of life.
The premier’s remarks came at the second committee meeting of the Executive Yuan’s DIGI+ Task Force, during which the Office of Science and Technology (OST) reported on the progress and future directions of the DIGI+ program.
The OST said the program saw major accomplishments in 2017 thanks to support from Taiwan’s public and private sectors. New innovation laws including the Financial Technology Development and Innovative Experimentation Act and the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals were passed by the Legislature, enabling innovation in financial technology and closing the tech talent and skills deficit for industries.
Free Wi-Fi services were also rolled out in public places including the high speed rail, the entire Taoyuan airport metro line including carriages and stations, the Taoyuan international airport, and many stations along the Taiwan railway system. A one-stop disaster information website has also been set up, giving the public access to the latest information on typhoons, school and business closings, road closures, and outages and restoration of water, electricity and telephone services, the OST said.
The Executive Yuan continues to promote several other initiatives in 2018. First, the AI Taiwan Action Plan will train specialists in artificial intelligence (AI) while promoting the development of AI technologies. Tech giant Microsoft Corp. has committed to setting up an AI research hub in Taiwan, and Google has plans to make Taiwan its largest R&D base in Asia.
Second, the government will promote an action plan for improving the fundraising environment for startups. Its objectives are to nurture at least one unicorn—a startup valued at more than US$1 billion—in the next two years, and increase investments in startups by NT$5 billion (US$171.6 million) a year for the next five years.
The third initiative is a cybersecurity industry development action plan with the goal of establishing a world-class entrepreneurial base for Taiwan’s information security industry. The government aims to nurture 40 new cybersecurity companies by 2025 and double the industry’s output value to NT$78 billion (US$2.7 billion) in eight years.
Premier Lai Ching-te on Monday said that the principles of bilateralism, diversity and win-win collaboration will guide the government’s implementation of the New Southbound Policy. Taiwan will seek to engage the targeted countries through mutual exchanges across a diverse range of cooperative projects that will yield positive outcomes for all. By approaching relations with a deep sense of understanding, Taiwan will be able to achieve true bilateral cooperation.
In order to secure fair investment opportunities for Taiwan’s businesses, the premier expects related ministries and agencies to provide back-end support and assistance. The government will also aid companies in overcoming barriers to investment, and take advantage of diplomacy, legislative contacts, non-governmental organizations and other such diverse channels to help the business community clear up investment disputes.
In addition, the government will arrange technology, capital and training support, together with points of contact for Taiwanese companies operating in targeted countries in order to resolve investment difficulties and ensure fair treatment. Given the importance of investment protection and promotion agreements, Premier Lai instructed the Ministry of Finance to give priority to facilitating bilateral tax accords. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Overseas Community Affairs Council were directed to provide assistance, as well.
The New Southbound Policy is rooted in meeting the needs of Taiwan’s continuing economic growth, said the premier. Related strategic plans were formulated with an eye toward mutual benefits and wide-ranging development so that the nation’s capabilities can be applied to participation in regional economic integration. The policy will accelerate mutually beneficial cooperation with regional partners and bring balance to Taiwan’s external relations and international presence. By transforming the nation’s economic structure and industrial character, the New Southbound Policy will help secure the long-term success of Taiwan’s ongoing development.