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  • 活動資訊
  • 活動日期: 2020/08/04(二)
  • 活動時間: 下午2:30
  • 主辦單位: SGS台灣可靠度實驗室功能安全團隊與SGS全球DTS團隊
  • 活動地點: 線上研討會



SGS台灣可靠度實驗室功能安全團隊將於2020年8月4日與SGS全球DTS(Digital Trust Services)團隊共同舉辦半導體資通安全(Cybersecurity)網路研討會,綜觀研討半導體和嵌入式軟體相關產品之資通安全(Cybersecurity)議題,活動詳情請點選活動詳情與報名連結,註冊後系統將自動發送研討會連結給您。

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線上免費研討會| 2020/08/04 
Taipei Local Time
 2:30 pm


Semiconductor cybersecurity: standardization, regulation, testing and certification

 Objective: 目的


The objective of this webinar is to get an understanding of why semiconductor cybersecurity plays a central role in the hyperconnected digital world. You will get insight into threats and recent attacks with special focus on semiconductors and those matter for all kinds of market sectors, such as Automotive, Industrial, Consumer IoT or Medical. Moreover, you will get a basic understanding of how standards, regulations and certification schemes are dealing with the topic nowadays and in the future.

 Agenda: 議程

  1. 探討半導體和嵌入式軟件資通安全(Cybersecurity)

    Motivation for Cybersecurity and the role of semiconductors and embedded software

  1. 資通安全(Cybersecurity)之威脅和攻擊態勢

    Threat and attack landscape

  1. 確保產品開發生命週期實現安全設計安全

   Secure development lifecycle to realize Security by Design

  1. 透過標準、法規、測試和驗證掌握裝置設備資通安全(Cybersecurity)的方式

    The way cybersecurity for devices is handled via standards, regulations, testing and certification

  1. 宏觀探討汽車、工業、醫療和物聯網等相關產業的資通安全(Cybersecurity)

    Excurse to Automotive, Industrial, Medical and Consumer IoT.

  1. 討論時間Q&A



Betty Yang: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 02 2299 3279分機:3660
Cindy Hung:Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 02 2299 3279分機:3661

